Booking Method


We ask you to read carefully the Program Overview, detailed program description with map of the chosen tour, the "Insider tips" as well as the Terms and Conditions.
After you've chosen the tour, we suggest you to contact us as soon as possible,
or just simply fill out our    B O O K I N G     F O R M

You have the option to book online as well, just click on the chosen start date of the tour.
(Tour schedules are next to the map on each tour page)

We answer you as soon as we can per E-Mail - if requested, also by post or per telephone.
The booking is binding, after we've sent you the booking confirmation.

Payment of the tour price

After confirming your (-published tour-) booking with us, you are to pay 20% of the tour price, but min. EURO 150,- and/or maximum EUR 250,- per person. Final payment: latest 30 days before the tour starting day is the rest to be paid (payment of the balance) without extra notice. If the booking happens later than 30 days before the tour start, the whole amount is to be paid immediately.

Easier payment system

You can pay the tour price in form of a bank money transfer in EURO on our bank account in Hungary / Budapest. (budget-friendly is say the SEPA-banktransfer) You receive all the bank account details (IBAN No., SWIFT (BIC)-code, etc.) with your booking confirmation.

We send the travel documents usually approx. 10 days before the tour start, after your payment completely arrived according to the contract.

If you have any question, feel free to ask us anytime.


Elõpatak u. 1.
H-1118 Budapest
Tel. & Fax: (+36)-1-319-0571
Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30am - 5pm